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Accession #  1001 PSI-MS Name  Interim Name  AHA-Alkyne-KDDDD
Description  Azidohomoalanine (AHA) bound to DDDDK-propargylglycine-NH2 (alkyne)
Composition  H(37) C(26) N(11) O(14) S(-1) Monoisotopic  695.280074 Average  695.5723
Specificity Definition 1
Site  M Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Notes and References 
Source  Journal Reference  Dieterich DC et al., (2007) Labeling, detection and identification of newly synthesized proteomes with bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging. Nature Protocols 2(3): 532-40.
Notes  Methionine (C5H11NO2S) is substituted in culture with azidohomoalanine (AHA - C4H8N4O2). The azide group reacts with the alkyne group DDDDK-propargylglycine-NH2. As a result the side chain of methionine (C3H7S) is substituted by C29H44N11O14.
Curator  BThomas Last Modified  2010-10-03 13:44:40 Verified  No
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