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Accession #  1038 PSI-MS Name  Interim Name  TAMRA-FP
Description  TAMRA fluorophosphonate modification of serine
Alt. Description  ActivX TAMRA-FP Serine Hydrolase Probe
Alt. Description  TAMRA-alkyl-FP
Composition  H(46) C(37) N(3) O(6) P Monoisotopic  659.312423 Average  659.7514
Specificity Definition 1
Site  S Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 2
Site  Y Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Notes and References 
Source  Misc. URL Reference  Serine Hydrolase Probes
Source  Journal Reference  Liu, Patricelli and Cravatt. (1999) Activity-based protein profiling: The serine hydrolases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:14694-14699
Source  Journal Reference  Okerberg, E.S., et al. (2005). High-resolution functional proteomics by active-site peptide profiling. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102(14):4996-5001.
Notes  TAMRA-FP was designed to label the active site serine of serine hydrolases (e.g. esterases, peptidases, lipases)
Curator  rbomgard Last Modified  2011-05-09 16:01:57 Verified  No
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