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Accession #  2016 PSI-MS Name  Interim Name  TMTpro
Description  TMTpro 16plex Tandem Mass Tag
Alt. Description  Tandem Mass Tag and TMT are registered Trademarks of Proteome Sciences plc.
Alt. Description  Also applies to TMTpro 18plex mass tags
Composition  H(25) C(8) 13C(7) N 15N(2) O(3) Monoisotopic  304.207146 Average  304.3127
Specificity Definition 1
Site  K Position  Anywhere Classification  Isotopic label
Specificity Definition 2
Site  N-term Position  Any N-term Classification  Isotopic label
Specificity Definition 3
Site  N-term Position  Protein N-term Classification  Isotopic label
Specificity Definition 4
Site  H Position  Anywhere Classification  Isotopic label
Specificity Definition 5
Site  S Position  Anywhere Classification  Isotopic label
Specificity Definition 6
Site  T Position  Anywhere Classification  Isotopic label
Notes and References 
Source  Other Reference  ryan.bomgarden@thermofisher.com
Source  Misc. URL Reference  TMTpro 16plex Label Reagent Set
Notes  This modification describes the isotope-labeled TMTpro Reagent with m/z values of the TMTpro fragment ions to be quantified for 16plex: 126.127726,127. 124761, 127.131081, 128.128116, 128.134436, 129.131471, 129.13779, 130.134825, 130.141145, 131.13818, 131.1445, 132.141535, 132.147855, 133.14489, 133.15121, and 134.148245\r\nAdditional reporter ions for 18plex: 134.154565 and 135.151600
Curator  rbomgard Last Modified  2021-07-22 21:42:31 Verified  No
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