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Accession #  325 PSI-MS Name  FP-Biotin Interim Name  FP-Biotin
Description  10-ethoxyphosphinyl-N-(biotinamidopentyl)decanamide
Alt. Description  O-ethyl-N-(biotinamidopentyl)decanamido phosphonate
Composition  H(49) C(27) N(4) O(5) P S Monoisotopic  572.316129 Average  572.7405
Specificity Definition 1
Site  S Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 2
Site  Y Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 3
Site  T Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 4
Site  K Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Notes and References 
Source  Journal Reference  Liu, Patricelli and Cravatt; Activity-based protein profiling: The serine hydrolases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96, 14694-14699 (1999)
Source  Journal Reference  Schopfer, Champion, Tamblyn, Thompson and Lockridge; Characteristic mass spectral fragments of the organophosphorus agent FP-biotin and FP-biotinylated peptides from trypsin and bovine albumin (Tyr410). Anal Biochem 345, 122-132 (2005)
Source  PubMed PMID Reference  10611275
Source  Journal Reference  Grigoryan, Li, Xue, Grigoryan, Schopfer and Lockridge; Mass spectral characterization of organophosphate-labeled lysine in peptides. Analytical Biochemistry 394, 92-100 (2009)
Notes  FP-biotin was designed to label the active site serine of serine esterases/proteases.
Curator  lmschopfer Last Modified  2010-02-24 20:54:27 Verified  No
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