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Accession #  333 PSI-MS Name  Can-FP-biotin Interim Name  Biotin:TRC-B394885
Description  6-N-biotinylaminohexyl isopropyl phosphate
Alt. Description  O-isopropyl-N-biotinylaminohexyl phosphonate
Composition  H(34) C(19) N(3) O(5) P S Monoisotopic  447.195679 Average  447.5291
Specificity Definition 1
Site  S Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 2
Site  Y Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 3
Site  T Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Notes and References 
Source  Journal Reference  Higson, Ferguson and Nikolaev; Synthesis of 6-N-biotinylaminohexyl isopropyl phosphorofluoridate: A potent tool for the inhibition/isolation of serine esterases and proteases. Synthesis 3, 407-409 (1999)
Notes  Commercially available from Toronto Research Chemicals Inc, as of 2005. Designed to label the active site serine of serine esterases/proteases.
Curator  lmschopfer Last Modified  2010-12-03 16:24:45 Verified  No
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