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Accession #  361 PSI-MS Name  Interim Name  Thrbiotinhydrazide
Description  oxidized Threonine biotinylated with biotin hydrazide
Composition  H(16) C(10) N(4) O S Monoisotopic  240.104482 Average  240.3252
Specificity Definition 1
Site  T Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Notes and References 
Source  Misc. URL Reference  http://www.piercenet.com/Proteomics/browse.cfm?fldID=84EBE112-F871-4CA5-807F-47327153CFCB
Source  Journal Reference  Yoo, Byoung-Sam; Regnier, Fred E. Electrophoresis (2004), 25(9), 1334-1341
Curator  unimod Last Modified  2006-11-14 12:12:13 Verified  No
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