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Accession #  472 PSI-MS Name  AEC-MAEC Interim Name  AEC-MAEC
Description  aminoethylcysteine
Alt. Description  beta-methylaminoethylcysteine
Composition  H(5) C(2) N O(-1) S Monoisotopic  59.019355 Average  59.1334
Specificity Definition 1
Site  S Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Comment  pS gives aminoethylcysteine
Specificity Definition 2
Site  T Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Comment  pT gives beta-methylaminoethylcysteine
Notes and References 
Source  Journal Reference  Z. A. Knight et al, Nature Biotech., 21(9) 1047-1054 (2003)
Notes  Modification procedure used for phosphopeptide mapping
Curator  mpcusack Last Modified  2007-09-26 22:43:16 Verified  No
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